Green Renovation

Greens need to be rebuild for three main reasons: 1- green in bad shape due to size and/or soil conditions; 2- green contour is too sloped for today’s green speeds; and 3- need r want to change the greens location.
To redesign a green it should be in character to its golf course as well as fit in to the natural topography. It needs to have enough pin placements for the amount of rounds the golf course gets. It should be aesthetic in appearance and should be strategically designed to fit the shot into the green (for both the “A’ player as well as the average golfer).
To rebuild a green again we need to consider what the other greens on the golf course are built of so the new green is easy for the golf course superintendent to maintain. There are three ways types of greens we can chose from: a USGA green, a California green or a Push-up green if the native soil is sandy and is approved by the USGA certified soil laboratory. The most important thing in building a green is the soil chosen and that proper drainage system is design and installed.

Penn Oaks CC – New USGA Green
Double smile drain for additional drainage.

Recontouring 1st Green at Donald Ross’ Union League GC. Sod being taken off green to be restored after the green is recontoured.

Sod being put back after green surface’s contour was softened.

Watering of newly built USGA green at Penn Oak in 2015.

In the North green’s could be seeded into late October if a cover is used. A cover makes it seem as if the green was seeded one month earlier.